4 weeks to Christmas- how has 23 disappeared? I am convinced that the world must be spinning faster!

I promised that I would get more organised this year with regards to keeping you up to date, and how I announce trainings/take bookings etc- this is my last minute.com effort to fulfil that new year’s resolution before I run out of time!

Breast Health Care- Saturday 13th Jan 2pm
I am delighted to host a meeting for any of you who are interested in maintaining Breast Health (naturally we address it holistically from all perspectives), this talk will be presented by Gretta Cullen who will share her expertise on Thermography-
Thermography enhances breast disease prevention and early detection. While it is not a replacement for other established screening methods, clinical studies have demonstrated its potential as a supplementary tool in breast cancer risk assessment. For instance, a study published in the American Journal of Surgery in 2008 found that thermography could identify breast abnormalities years before they were detectable by mammography. This early detection can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment and reduce the need for aggressive interventions. Furthermore, thermography does not involve ionizing radiation or breast compression, making it a safer and more comfortable option for women, especially those with dense breast tissue.
If you would like to book a seat at this talk at HCE Murroe ( or we can perhaps arrange a virtual link if needs be), please click the following link and type in Breast talk and €10 to secure your place. Breast Health Presentation

Soul Spa Day Sat 6th Jan 24

If you have been to one of our glorious Soul Spa Days, please check your email inbox today, as I have sent details of our next one to you, but you will need to respond to that email if you wish to continue getting notifications (another attempt by me to get more organised-I will no longer be sending texts).

Reiki Level 1 & 2

I hope to squeeze in a Reiki Level one before Christmas, and a Level two early in the new year so please let me know if you are interested and I will send you details.

Reiki Mastership

I feel very blessed to share my passion for all things Reiki with our lovely Mastership group, I love the challenge of helping others expand their consciousness, which of course facilitates my own awareness journey. While this dedicated group will learn all the tools to teach all levels of Reiki to others, the most valuable attribute of this course is our spiritual growth as we practice stepping in to our true self and power. I excitedly look forward to our class together this Sunday, and this year for the first time we have a student in France who joins us virtually-one of the great advantages of modern technology.

My advice to navigate this crazy world

While I NEVER recommend folk watch the news or read newspapers, and I haven’t for years-but I am still very aware of the situation in the Middle East just now (which proves that you won’t miss out if you don’t follow mainstream media). I understand why this disastrous scenario is causing distress and anxiety to anyone with a pulse. Yet, us experiencing fear/anger/anxiety will not help anyone- let me explain-
Each of us human beings generate energy each time we take a breath, we are in fact energy generators. I like to use the analogy of us as a radio. I create energy simply by breathing, and then I broadcast this energy as a signal out to the world, just as a radio would. Each of us has a full spectrum of “ channels or radio station genres” that we attune to, this is done via the emotional energy that we are broadcasting. Emotions are energy in motion- this is why you FEEL them. So, if I am feeling angry -I am tuned to the frequency of the “angry channel” and I broadcast this out to the world. Others that I interact with will feel or receive my angry frequency, and generally this attracts other people or “radios” who are on a similar channel. Ever notice if you are in a bad mood, that you will meet others in a similar mood that day? This is why- we are generating a similar frequency of energy or emotion and thus attracting the similar radios!
Quantum physics has proven that we in fact create our reality based on the frequency we are operating in. Don’t want to drag you too far down that rabbit hole- the point Id like to make is a simple one- if I want a peaceful world then I need to tune my radio to the channel or frequency of peace-then I will be broadcasting the energy of peace and this in turn will help to create the peaceful world that we all wish to live in (well almost all of us-except for the psychopaths who use war to get their wicked way).
So, if you are struggling or overwhelmed with fear at the moment, this will empower you- instead of feeling helpless, you can actively help by finding peace for yourself. Tame your thoughts, so when the fear thoughts pop up, you swap them out with thoughts of peace. You can do this by recalling a memory where you felt very peaceful in the past, or distract your mind by engaging in an activity that gives you joy- any of the creative process are excellent for this- cooking, baking, praying, chopping wood, dancing, singing, play board games with your family, any action that will re-tune you from the channel of fear to any of the higher frequencies, such as joy, love, peace etc. We are of zero help to those misfortunes who are suffering the trauma unleashed on them by global psychopaths, by tuning to fear/anger/frustration etc. If you want to help them-BE the peace you wish to see in the world-this is how we create a peace world and raise the frequency of earth, if enough of us do this the lower frequencies will be unsustainable.
For this Christmas season, let us count our blessings, and create a loving atmosphere in our homes and in our interactions with others. If needs be, build a bubble around your community and actively work to create opportunities for broadcasting joy ( I always find listening to carol singing a wonderful way to do this), get creative and focus on making sure your interactions come from the energy of peace, love, joy, laughter etc. Or to put in another way- tune your radio to the higher frequencies/channels, and just by taking active responsibility for your own broadcast you will positively affect everyone in your environment. Try it- and watch how similar “radios” show up in your life!
I would like to gift you a tool that will help with this, a short meditation audio that will help to change your channel to one of peacefulness (my apologies but you will have to pay 5cent to get the download, it wasn’t possible for it to work without a fee). In 12 minutes you can complete the audio and I guarantee you will feel different afterwards. Save it to your devise and listen as often as you wish. Peace/Happiness meditation
In case I get swept away with my own bubble- I will be in touch again in the new year- for now, I wish you and your loved ones, a very peaceful, joyous, healthy Christmas season, blessed with an abundance of love & light,
As ever, I am at your service, thanks for reading,