If there is one phrase that I would like to banish in recent times, it’s “back to normal”, there quite simply is no going back in any shape or form.

Our world has changed dramatically forever, we as individuals have changed forever, this cannot be undone.

Let me explain-trauma changes us forever, all of us have had experiences in the past that were traumatic, and we survived them, but we are never the same afterwards.  In my personal and professional experience we grow through these experiences, (or stay stuck, which is also a personal choice option), but for those that choose to do the personal inner work, these trauma can be the catalyst for personal and spiritual growth that benefits us forever.  Our perspectives change, our priorities change, our values change, often our daily life circumstances change,

CHANGE is the one thing that trauma always guarantees!  So going “back” is not an option, change will propel us forward whether we resist or not.  The past is gone- let it go-we cannot re-create it, for we are not the same people with the same mindset that experienced the “old world”.  So, save yourself some energy and disappointment and start looking forward instead.

If we keep looking back, we will not see where we are heading-did you ever drive a car and only look out the back window with the rear -view mirror? This is what we are doing if we do not look forward and take the wheel in our own hands and decide what journey we would like to take.

The real question is-what New Normal do we wish to create?

Now -this IS worthy of our energy, focus, commitment and creativity.  We are at a cross-roads in the evolution of what our experience of life will look like for us, and for future generations.  The old world is collapsing daily, and we can sit by and allow others to decide what our new lives will look like, or we can pro-actively take the wheel of the ship and start charting the course we would like follow.

Asking ourselves a big picture question such as this, can be overwhelming, especially when there is a global pandemic of trauma affecting so many.  So, if I may, I’d like share some insights that have helped me over the years.

Keep it simple, start with the basics-

How do I want to feel each day?

Any of the higher vibrational frequencies: such as gratitude, love, empathy, joy, community spirit, connection, freedom ………………. (add your own choices)

Now we have a palate to work with, the next question is-

What conditions would give me the best opportunity to create these energetic feelings within me?

For me, my work is an amazing vehicle to get into these higher vibrational states, but so is a beautiful beach on a warm sunny day, laughter with my favourite people, a glass of bubbly, a long soak in the bath, a delicious meal, lounging with my dogs, Reiki, a Holistic Massage, the list goes on.

If you can answer these two simple questions you will begin to get clarity, start small and work upwards.

Most of you reading this will have presumably started this inner work some time ago, so you may be well into the bigger picture action-such as building new systems that will sustain these higher frequencies.  In my particular field, it has been a 20 year journey of building a Holistic Healthcare system suitable for these times-but it began with the foundations of my desire to create the frequencies or feelings of compassion, healing, joy, empathy, connection and freedom.

This cross-road that we are collectively at, is our once in a million life-times opportunity to create a world based on love, compassion, joy, empathy, connection, inclusion and freedom for everyone on this planet.

So please look forward with the conscious intention of creating a world where love and trust obliterate fear, where compassion and empathy cancel mercilessness, a world where we are all free to choose the circumstances of our daily lives, where health and healing replace sickness,  a world that allows us to connect at the level of the heart with one another, where we respect the sacredness of each human being, and we live in loving synchronicity  with Nature, showing grateful appreciation for how she sustains us daily.

This creation begins with our individual inner feelings, one person at a time, and one minute at a time and then collectively projects outwards to create this better world for all of us.  Learning to master your inner state is all each of us must take radical responsibility for.  So when you feel overwhelmed when witnessing the outer world of chaos, bring it back to your inner state, and do whatever activities enable you to move out of fear to any of the higher states of love, compassion etc.

A world predicated on Love, Compassion, Connection,  is the NEW NORMAL that I want to actively contribute to, so please look forward in creative excitement and only glance in your rear-view mirror momentarily to gain a brief contrast of where we went wrong before!

With that in mind I am super excited to welcome this year’s Reiki Master-Teacher students, this year is unique (see above!), and it will be a privilege and my absolute pleasure to assist this conscious dedicated group of light-workers with their Life’s Purpose, not to mention the fun we will have as a tribe of like-minded people for one Saturday each month for the year-I’m literally buzzing with excitement!  This training starts on Sat 18th September 11am to 4.30 pm, and the min requirement is Reiki Level 2, please get in touch if you feel this is your year to take a deep dive!

As usual I have on-going Reiki Level 1 (next one Friday 10th Sept 5.30pm), and Reiki level 2 classes-next one starts in September, and will run over 4 evenings, one Wednesday per week for 4 weeks.  The usual weekend Reiki level 2 trainings are also available, please get in touch if you would like to know more information  or 087-2523391

While it is my priority to help anyone suffering from Anxiety and Panic Attacks, unfortunately due to rise in demand for this service (again for obvious reasons-i.e. The pandemic of stress!), there is a two or three week lead time for appointments, so please bear this in mind if you are thinking of booking, this obviously applies to on-line appointments also.

Allow me to leave you on this note-

What would a world with no fear look like to you?

That’s my picture too-let us assist each other on our journey to creating it,


I so looooove my job,

Sending you and yours tonnes of love & light,
