Blog 16th October 2012
All Enhanced!
It never ceases to amaze me, that no matter how many times we complete the Enhance Your Life training, the magic never ends, thanks again to Alessandra for a top-class professional course, and to all you participants for your glowing comments, which will be up on the website-as soon as I get around to it! Here’s to all our new dreams coming through-again!
Best of luck to the Grow foundation with their super new premises in Limerick, at the official opening I heard a wonderful phrase from one of the speakers, when he said that after a long time with depression, he became ENCHANTED WITH LIFE again-and I realised that’s what Holistic Healthcare is all about, re-balancing the physical body first to alleviate pains and disease, clearing out the energy blocks of old emotional baggage, and dispelling old embedded mental blocks or beliefs, and re-igniting the spirit, so one can become re-enchanted with life. This is our natural state-to be enchanted with the small miracles that we witness every day-like the wonder of a child’s expression, the beauty of a rose, the view of our spectacular landscape, the miracle that is this body that we live in, the smile of a stranger-if you are unable to notice any of these because you are a hamster on the wheel of life-you are not living-you are merely surviving, and somewhere inside you realise that something big is missing, but perhaps you don’t even take time to figure out what that something is-PLEASE-consider getting help-your life is passing you by-yet the answer is so simple and easy to implement once it is pointed out to you. Energy sessions are unbelievably fast, efficient, and relaxing and will enable you to get back on track, while still being able to function in your 9-5. So whether you are at the high end of the stress ladder-which is the panic attack/depression end, or at the lower rungs where you are just numbly functioning, please realise that your life does not have to be like this-there are many highly trained therapists who are just waiting to be asked. If you would like a referral-which is the best way to find the right therapist or therapy for you- please don’t hesitate to contact me-you will be helping me to fulfil my mission-which is to build a happier, healthier world, starting from the inside of each of us-which is why I LOVE my job!
or 061-381947

As promised I will keep you updated with the various courses that are open to all, there is a full list on the website- -but over the coming weeks we look forward to Sound Therapy Thur 18thOCT 9.30 to 12.30, Introduction to Bodytalk Thur 18th Oct 2-5pm, and for those of you who would like to perform treatments on your friends or family why not take the Indian Head Massage 3 day course, Fri 16th-Sun18th Nov. Holistic Massage starts on Tue afternoons from the 6th Nov.
Intro to NLP is Thur 22nd 2-5pm, Menopause Myth or Reality with Dr Beatrice Neufeldt Tue 27th 9.30 to 12.30, and Hopi Candle therapy Thur 29th-again another therapy that every household should have. These training days are a super way to increase your awareness and knowledge of what I believe is the medicine of the 21st century. If you would like further info, please just give us a shout,

Until next time,
Wishing you love & light